150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona

A gastro case study

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Becoming more sustainable and making more sales at the same time? Sounds impossible – but thanks to Food for Future, it is now possible for restaurateurs in the simplest possible way.

In this short case study, we show how the St Ottilien restaurant increased its sales figures by 150% in just 3 months. And explain how restaurateurs can easily get involved too.

What is behind the increase in sales

The owners of St. Ottilien, Lilia and Michael Abbey, didn’t think twice when they were told about the ‘Food for Future’ project. Doing good and increasing sales at the same time? You’ll want to join in immediately! And their success proves them right.

Food for Future is Click A Tree for the food service industry. Restaurateurs select one of their dishes as Food for Future – and in future, a tree will be planted for every Food for Future sold.

Extremely simple. And extremely effective.

Everyone really benefits here: the restaurateurs from more sales, the local communities where the trees are planted, our planet from more trees, and on top of that, the guests.

Because they can not only enjoy delicious food, but also do something good at the same time. That makes you feel doubly happy.

150% sales growth in 3 months – this is how it works

No wonder that sales at Freiburg’s St. Ottilien restaurant have more than doubled. These are the Food for Future sales figures for the first 3 months since the start of the cooperation in August 2020 at St Ottilien:

At the start of the cooperation, in August 2020, 60 dishes were ordered.

In September there were already 75.

And in October even 152! And all this despite coronavirus.

This corresponds to an increase of 153%. And, incidentally, 287 trees were also planted.

It goes without saying that the press also thinks it’s great. The Badische Zeitung, the Freiburg city magazine Chilli and Baden.fm reported directly on the cooperation between St. Ottilien and Click A Tree.

This success has not waned in 2021: as of September 2021, St. Ottilien has already created a biodiverse mixed forest with 1017 trees! What an achievement! You don’t even know whether to stop salivating or let your mouth water at the delicious dishes.

In the meantime, as of September 2021, St. Ottilien has already created a biodiverse mixed forest with 1017 trees! What an achievement! You don’t even know whether to stop salivating or let your mouth water at the delicious dishes.

Anyone who orders the dish is “fighting climate change, unemployment and dumping wages in Africa“, writes the Freiburg city magazine Chilli, for example.

How you can take part too

Are you a restaurateur and want to be part of it? Then simply send us an e-mail or give us a call – we will be happy to discuss with you how the Food for Future concept can be implemented most easily for you.

As already mentioned, it’s child’s play: you select a dish as Food for Future, and in future a tree will be planted for every Food for Future sold.

You increase your turnover, save the world – but wait, there’s another win. Because at Click A Tree we only work with fairly paid full-time employees. This means that you help us to create jobs and secure the income of people in less privileged regions of our planet.

Interested? Then simply send us an e-mail!

You are not an entrepreneur, but think the project is great?

If you are not a company, but you think the project is great, share this case study with your favorite companies and let them know that green engagement is important to you.

If you’re not sure who to send this to, just share it on social media with your friends and family. The more partners who get in touch, the better.

Related: 2-minute case study: 22% growth despite Corona – How this sushi restaurant did it.

Your turn

Do you have any other suggestions? Do you know anyone who wants to plant trees? Or someone who should plant trees?

We look forward to hearing from you! Either as part of our Facebook discussion about St. Ottilien, or via Instagram, or directly by email. Thanks for your input!