About Click A Tree

The team

We are motivated to make sustainability simple and profitable for companies of all industries and sizes. Our goal is holistic sustainability. Here you can find out who we are and what drives us.

The Click A Tree Story

Holistic sustainability solutions are not created overnight. Our story began back in 1987 in Cameroon and Tanzania, developed through touching elephant experiences in Thailand to our status quo with headquarters in Germany and projects worldwide.

News, interesting facts and success stories

ESG, CSR and SDG: How sustainability can be implemented profitably in companies. You can find case studies and implementation examples in our blog.

Nobody is perfect

Our lessons learned: Mistakes are there to be learned from.
We are therefore always happy to receive constructive criticism and honest suggestions on how we can continue to improve. Thanks to open feedback, we continue to grow and get a little better every day.

What makes Click A Tree special?

With the increasing popularity of ESG and CSR, other organizations are naturally also turning their attention to sustainability. However, there are some key differences that you should be aware of when looking for the ideal sustainability solution for your company.

The certification of our ESG solution

Click A Tree is the sustainability solution for companies, certified with top marks.

Answers to your questions

What are ESG, CSR and SDGs? What do they have in common and what makes them different? How important are they for your company? And how exactly can Click A Tree be implemented profitably in your company?