Earth overload day

4 easy ways to postpone this day

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Earth overload – what day? Overload? Never heard of it? Well, you should! Or maybe you even have it and thought it sounded a little strange?

What if I told you it’s a really fascinating concept and an exciting opportunity for us all to share our best ideas for sustainable living?

But wait, where do trees come into play? (You know us too well!)

Read on to find out more about some wonderfully simple ideas to reduce your carbon footprint and find out how trees are the key to making a difference! And of course we’ll tell you what Earth Overload Day is.

What is the Earth Overload Day? Why is it important?

My goodness, Earth Overload Day, you say? And we can all join in? Yay!

Earth Overload Day is a day we should all be aware of because it’s something we can all get involved in to make a difference.

Earth Overshoot Day is based on the fact that all humans use the earth’s natural resources. We all eat food, consume energy and produce waste. And there is only so much the earth can bear in one year.

As soon as we have used up our share of natural resources, we have reached Earth Overshoot Day. In 2021, Earth Overshoot Day was on July 29.

“This means that we have emitted more carbon in seven months than the oceans and forests can absorb in a year, we have caught more fish, felled more trees, harvested more and used more water than the earth could produce in the same period.”¹

Earth Overshoot Day is about ways to do things better and live in a way that conserves resources.

Earth Overload Day – #movethedate

Every year, the aim is to make our natural resources last longer in order to postpone the date.

The hashtag #movethedate is used for all ideas and initiatives to reduce humanity’s consumption of natural resources. Do you have great ideas? Let us know in the comments.

When is Earth Overshoot Day 2022? Do you think we can #movethedate?

4 things you can do to conserve natural resources and reduce your carbon footprint

1. rethink consumption & emissions

It is important that you first become aware of how you actually live. Think about how you consume and what you would like to change. There are already sustainable substitutes for most of our favorite products and activities.

What is the ecological footprint? This video explains how your CO2 footprint is made up.

Yes, we can point the finger at politicians and big corporations for causing more and more greenhouse gases, but we need to understand that we – the consumers – also have a lot of power.

We can influence companies with our decisions. As they are dependent on their customers, these companies sometimes need a little or a big push from us.

Three ideas to reduce your own emissions

Want to learn more great hacks to reduce your carbon footprint and postpone Earth Overshoot Day 2022? We have 7 simple hacks for you!

2. plant trees to restore what we have already lost

Trees play an important role in reducing harmful carbon dioxide in the air and regulating the water cycle. Tropical forests remove the carbon dioxide emissions of several countries from our atmosphere every year²!

By planting more trees, we can reduce our carbon footprint and delay the time until Earth Overshoot Day. We can restore beauty to our environment and provide a habitat for countless species.

Tip: Why not use some of the money you’ve saved with our carbon footprint reduction hacks and plant a tree for someone?

What amazing animals will your tree support? Carefully planned reforestation, such as with Click A Tree’s trees for elephants, is key to preserving biodiversity to ensure the survival of endangered species.

3. eat food for future

“Food for future” is one of Click A Tree’s projects that allows you to try fabulous food and drinks and support a tree planting project every time you go out! Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it?

Can’t wait to plant a tree while eating out? Then click on the button and find one of our partner restaurants near you.

4. reduce the CO2 footprint in your country – World Congestion Day

If each of us makes changes in our lives to reduce our carbon footprint, we will soon be much closer to balance. One way to do this is to take advantage of “green” initiatives in your country.

Did you know, for example, that in many countries you can receive incentives to install solar panels on your home?

Many countries are already taking steps to reduce their consumption of natural resources. Be it through the implementation of energy-saving projects, more recycling options for people or the provision of “greener” public transportation.

There is still a lot to do! The following map shows the world congestion day for each country, calculated for 2022 based on its resource consumption⁴.

World Congestion Day 2022 – where does your country come into play?

Image credit:
Earth Overshoot Day

Tell others about Earth Overload Day 2022

Another great thing you can do to help #movethedate is to increase awareness of Earth Overload Day 2022 and its importance. The more people get involved, the better for our planet.

At the same time, you can involve your friends and family in fun activities to reduce your carbon footprint. Tip: Forest walks are a great outing for the whole family!

Let us know what activities you are planning to reduce your carbon footprint in 2022! Do you have any favorite “green” hacks?

And remember, if you’re ever looking for ideas for the perfect birthday present… well, you know where to plant a tree.

Not only does your contribution plant trees that combat harmful CO2, tree planting projects also help to create sustainable sources of food and income for communities like this one in Ghana. And that means a further reduction in the consumption of natural resources!

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