ESG strategy & sustainability: 18 real examples of how you can make a huge difference with your company

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As an entrepreneur, how can I achieve even more and benefit from it myself?

Profit and impact are no longer mutually exclusive. Using 18 real examples, we show you how you can implement good deeds in your company, support the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and generate more sales.

At Click A Tree, we have made it our mission to reforest trees in areas where our work brings the greatest benefit to the environment and people.

Our B4B partners report on successes that they can be really proud of. Because building a sustainability strategy adds a facet to your company that your customers will love.

ESG strategy: successes to be proud of

By partnering with Click A Tree, our partners fulfill all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Promoting sustainability as part of your marketing campaign is an attractive unique selling point for your customers: By purchasing a product or service, they can make a contribution to saving our planet.

As they can also follow this through your external communication, it gives them a positive feeling when dealing with your company. Find out now how our partners have implemented this in their company.

Sustainability in the company: Examples from our partners

Integrating tree planting into your everyday business is quick and easy: simply choose a product or service from your range and plant a tree for every purchase.

In addition, Click A Tree has developed a range of marketing materials to help you optimize the visibility of your products (and our trees!).

You can track your impact directly on the Universal Impact Platform: How many life-saving trees you have planted, how much land you have saved from desertification, how many man-hours you have sponsored to give local families a better future and much more.

Planting trees with Click A Tree fulfills the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and can be integrated into all industries!

The following examples show how our B4B partners have turned tree planting into an attractive and successful feature.

Together with your customers: Plant trees for the sale of products

ABC Design – 6 trees per product sold

ABC Design sells customized baby carriages and child car seats. With every sale of the “black dots” samba set, the company supports Click A Tree’s “Trees For The Seas” project. This means that for every “black dots” set sold, 6 mangrove trees are planted and 6 kg of plastic waste is removed from the sea.

“Changing the world together with trees”: ABC Design proudly reports that its customers have already planted over 2000 mangrove trees and removed over 2000 kg of plastic waste from the sea through their partnership with Click A Tree!

Haase Food – 3 trees per product sold

Haase Food supplies cinemas, amusement parks and sports arenas with professional equipment and accessories. The company’s most popular products include popcorn and slush ice machines.

For every machine sold, Haase Food plants 3 trees with Click A Tree.

Would you also like to fulfill 17 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

Register here on the Universal Impact Platform.

Registration takes less than 2 minutes. But your impact is enormous.

Together with your customers: Your tree-planting service offer

Allianz – 1 tree per new contract

According to Dirk Alfter, Allianz General Representative, he chose Click A Tree as a partner for his ESG strategy because our reforestation projects are designed to deliver lasting environmental and economic benefits with “demonstrable results”.

Alfter’s Allianz agency plants a tree for every new contract. Each tree is provided with a personalized certificate bearing the customer’s name. The Allianz agency’s sustainability initiative was even mentioned in the local newspaper“Blick Aktuell“.

Alfter: “We are delighted to be setting an example for climate protection together with our customers with immediate effect and are thus acting in line with our motto: Don’t talk – do!”

UNIQAESTHETICS® – 1 tree per new consultation

UNIQAESTHETICS® offers beauty treatments and surgical corrections. With a team of medical specialists, the company offers treatments for the face, skin, body and hair.

As part of its ESG strategy, UNIQAESTHETICS® also gives nature back its beauty: for this reason, the company promises to plant a tree for every initial consultation.

Do you want to make an impactful difference in the world with your company?

Sign up here on the Universal Impact Platform and let’s get started.

Trees for students: Plants for those who want to learn

Instituto Intercultural del Caribe (IIC) – 1 tree for every:n students:n

The IIC language school offers Spanish courses in the Dominican Republic for those who really want to immerse themselves in their new language.

IIC will plant a tree for every student who learns Spanish at one of the language school’s locations in Santo Domingo or Sosuas in 2022.

SwingStep – A special mindfulness budget

“More Lindy Hop for you, more trees for the planet”: For every dance class subscription, SwingStep invests 5% of the net revenue in its mindfulness budget. A generous portion of this goes to Click A Tree’s reforestation project in Ghana.

“This creates forests instead of deserts, which is not only good for the planet, but also provides new habitats for endangered animals and creates jobs for local people.” So far, 696 trees have been planted with SwingStep’s contributions.

Erfolgstiger Academy – 1 tree per resume sold

The Erfolgstiger Academy specializes in job coaching and personal development courses. For this reason, Click A Tree’s reforestation project in Ghana, which supports a school for young entrepreneurs, is of particular interest to her.

Erfolgstiger has decided to plant 100,000 trees over the next 6 years: 1 tree for every CV sold via the website.

In addition, its customers have the opportunity to buy trees via the website and submit creative ideas for the Erfolgstiger sustainability project.

Does your company focus on education? Then plant trees in Ghana, because here you are supporting an entrepreneurial school at the same time.

Get started and register on the Universal Impact Platform.

Planting trees as a sign of appreciation

d-velop – 1 tree for every employee

d-velop offers customized software solutions for a range of corporate clients. The company relies on its dedicated and innovative developers, who go the extra mile to ensure the success of their software projects.

To show its appreciation, d-velop plants a personal tree for each individual employee. To date, the company has planted over 1000 trees for its employees.

Verinion – 1 tree for each partner

Verinion is a consulting company for brand identity design. It specializes in corporate branding, logos and visuals as well as the development of company and product names.

As a token of appreciation, Verinion plants an individual tree for each partner. Trees stand for life and are a wonderful way to symbolize long-term partnerships.

Trees are a wonderful sign of appreciation and connection: just as the seedling grows into a tree, so does the relationship with your employees and partners.

Register here on the Universal Impact Platform and let the planting begin.

Food For Future: Planting trees for the enjoyment of good food and drink

Waldrestaurant St. Ottilien – 1 tree for every Food For Future sold

The 500-year-old wooden restaurant St. Ottilien near Freiburg has set itself the goal of supporting the UN sustainability goals and offering its guests a feel-good atmosphere.

Thanks to this combination, the partnership with Click A Tree has been a resounding success: reports about their sustainability initiative on local radio and social media have led to the restaurant increasing their profits by 150% in just 3 months.

To date, St. Ottilien and her guests have planted over 16,000 trees and created over 4,000 hours of work. A top performance! You can read more about the success of St. Ottilien here.

Sausalitos – 1 tree for every Karma Drink sold

“Every order makes a small change”: the popular cocktail bar chain Sausalitos has created a special cocktail called Green Karma Mojito. For every cocktail sold, the company plants a tree in Ghana.

To date, almost 4,000 trees have been planted in this way! Sausalitos uses social media to regularly inform its guests about the trees planted with their help.

Both St. Ottilien and Sausalitos use Click A Tree’s Universal Impact Platform as a powerful tool to measure their success. In this way, they are able to present the latest figures to their guests and the media.

To gain access to the Universal Impact Platform, you can register here.

Kromer Wine and Art – 1 tree for 2 bottles of wine

The wine merchant Kromer supports sustainability with an exclusive wine creation. Wine lovers can do something for our planet by buying two bottles of MK2, a limited edition Pinot Noir. Made from grapes grown on the local Greiner vineyard, for every 2 bottles of this exclusive wine sold, a tree is planted in Ghana.

Planting trees for bookings

Genuss- & Aktivhotel Sonnenburg – 1 tree for every hotel booking

The Genuss- & Aktivhotel Sonnenburg takes its commitment to supporting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals seriously. They report on their initiatives in social media, on their website and in marketing emails.

This gives their customers the feeling that they are supporting a good cause. With every booking at the Genuss- & Aktivhotel, a new tree is planted at Click A Tree’s project location in Ghana.

Libertas Theaterhotel & Suites, Vienna – 1 tree for every hotel booking

The historic Viennese hotel assures its guests that they can “sleep twice as well”. For every booking, the company plants a tree with BnTree, Click A Tree’s travel brand.

The Theaterhotel Wien proudly points this out on its homepage and the special sustainability page.

Hideaway4You – 1 tree for every:n traveler:n

Hideaway4You is a travel company that specializes in trips to Asia. Hideaway4You has set itself the goal of bringing travelers closer to nature.

By planting a tree for every booking, their nature-loving customers have the feeling that they have made a lasting difference that will last beyond their trip.

You want to get started? Sign up for your own impact account to create positive impact!

Register here for your Impact account.

Planting trees for survey participation

Medical Mountains – 1 tree for survey participation

On its website, Medical Mountains explains that in today’s world, innovation and sustainability must go hand in hand. For the medical technology company, “sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’, but part of economic thinking”.

Saving energy and raw materials are among the decisive arguments for the company’s customers. For this reason, Medical Mountains has committed to planting a tree for every 20 survey responses.

Do you also want to make an impactful difference with your company? Sign up for your own Universal Impact account and help us make the planet a better place for everyone.

Planting trees for new life

Michendorf registry office – 1 tree for each registration

The registry office in Michendorf stands out in the context of our sustainability company examples due to its wonderful symbolism. The Michendorf registry office plants a tree for the registration of every new birth.

In this way, every newborn begins life with a valuable contribution to the future of our planet.

Do you have a company and want to support the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals? Sign up for your own Universal Impact account here.

UN Sustainable Development Goals: Plant trees with your company

Click A Tree’s B4B partners are committed to sustainability and to making our planet a better place for future generations. They report on their successes on their websites, in marketing emails and on social media.

What better way to build a lasting relationship with your customers, guests and employees than by saving the planet together?

Become a B4B partner: Next steps

We hope that these examples from our B4B partners have given you inspiration on how you can integrate tree planting into your business. If you need help creating a campaign or just want more information about our projects, you can contact us here.

If you’re ready to start planting trees, you can sign up directly in our Universal Impact Platform.

We look forward to working with you to make a valuable contribution to a future that benefits everyone.

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