Planting trees in Nepal

Get to know Shushila and Kanchi

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With every new tree that is planted, there is a new chance of success! Today we share the success stories of two happy members of our team who are planting trees in Nepal.

With every new tree that is planted, there is a new chance of success! Today we share the success stories of two happy members of our team who are planting trees in Nepal.

But what were the circumstances like in this small village before trees were planted in Nepal? And how have they improved?

Read on to find out what made your help possible.

Rautahat & the tree nursery

The women burst out laughing, their jeering and giggling seeming to shake the ground they are working on. “What did he do?” And they start to gasp with laughter again.

The workers dig small crosses, mark out rows and build beds for the trees they want to grow here. They are also building their own, better future.

A cool breeze makes her clothes flutter. The team chats happily, distant clouds hint at a slowly approaching thunderstorm. The land on which they work is alive and growing again.

Shushila and Kanchi are two members of our team who are helping to plant trees in Nepal. Together with the other helpers, they build, manage and maintain the tree nursery.

“We are now in a position to support our family,” says Kanchi happily. Sushila adds to her colleague: “And of course we’re also helping to reforest our village and our land.” The two of them grin and beam with pride.

They are now living a happy life. A life full of optimism. They are part of a team and enjoy their good work in the nursery.

But that wasn’t always the case.

Kanchi wipes some dirt off her nail, her brave smile fading slightly. Like wiping away a bad memory from the recent past.

Tougher times in Chetnegar Rautahat

Shushila Chaudhary has just turned 38 years old. She lives with her husband and six children in Chetnegar Rautahat in the south of Nepal.

That’s a lot of hungry mouths to fill. And that used to be a daily challenge. Shushila and her husband worked tirelessly on nearby farms, but they were still in debt.

“We couldn’t have worked harder, and yet there was never enough money. We didn’t think there would ever be a way out,” sighs Shushila.

There was little hope for many families in the village. The work was hard, there were few job opportunities and it was common to have debts.

Kanchi Maya Gurung is the oldest woman in her family of nine. Nevertheless, she barely made it away from home. And what does she think about this time?

“Endless… it was just endless. I didn’t leave the house most days. There was always something to do, something to clean. I never had anything to look forward to… I gave up on the idea of ever getting a real job.”

There was no social interaction, no perspective and no fun.

And not only that, the people of Manahari have also had to witness the devastating effects of deforestation on the natural surroundings of their homes.

Planting trees, as here in Nepal, means much more than just creating jobs. And in Nepal, this work has changed a lot.

What effect has planting trees had in Nepal?

No one can believe it when Kanchi tells us how her brother managed to light the dinner on fire. ” It really is such a simple recipe,” she cackles as she tells us.

The women are part of a team that has so far planted almost 2,000 trees at our planting site near Chitwan National Park in the village of Manahari.

Kanchi thinks about the time when everything in the house was still her responsibility. Does she miss the housework?

“I help out where necessary! But around the clock? No… no, I don’t miss that at all.”

With deep wrinkles on her face, Kanchi smiles wisely, showing off her surprisingly white, gleaming teeth. Transporting mud, filling plastic pots and weeding – that’s quite different from being stuck inside all day.

While working in the nursery, the two women can chat, share stories and laugh with their colleagues.

They have more self-confidence in the world outside their home. And with a fair wage, they have the opportunity to get out of debt and provide for their families.

The trees they plant, will help to create a new green buffer zone in Nepal. This protects endangered animal species in the region, reduces man-made carbon emissions and reforests the planet.

All this is possible because you plant a tree with Click A Tree and book it with our travel tool B’n’Tree, for example.

Why does Click A Tree plant trees in Nepal?

We recently explained 10 reasons why trees are important. We also let you know that we have planted our 100,000th tree. But with your help, we hope to plant many, many more.

It is absolutely vital that we continue to plant trees around the world.

Deforestation is a major environmental problem in Nepal. It not only affects human life and destroys natural carbon sinks. It also affects endangered animal species that no longer have a home. Rare and endangered species such as elephants, rhinos and tigers, which are all native to the region, are struggling to survive without vital trees.

Nepal is also a poor country, with a quarter of the population living below the national poverty line. Workers are exploited – especially in the logging industry. Planting trees in Nepal provides the local population with a stable, reliable income.

And, most importantly, it helps them to reduce the damage to their country. In addition to destroying the soil, destroying natural animal habitats and damaging a beautiful country, there are also devastating effects on the environment. There are fewer trees available to offset the effect of harmful greenhouse gases.

Just like all of us, the people in Nepal need the trees to breathe.

By planting trees in Nepal, we hope to find a long-term and permanent solution. With your help, many more families will experience success stories similar to those of Shushila and Kanchi.

This might also interest you: The 4-win formula: How everyone benefits from a partnership with Click A Tree

What can you do to ensure that success stories like the one in Nepal continue?

So how many families could also benefit from planting trees? Which region will we share the next success story with you?

We have already shared the success story of The Miracle of Mahabana here. We have now been able to tell you about the positive developments in Nepal. Can you help us create even more success stories?

The work we have been able to do so far – only with your help – is incredible. Thanks to you, we have just planted our 100,000th tree. So let’s plant 100,000 more!

Simply start your bookings on our travel tool B’n’Tree or
book directly with some of our new partners
to help plant trees worldwide for free.

And sign up for our newsletter “GROW”. It doesn’t take much; your name and e-mail address, that’s it. So there are no excuses for not completing the form.

Tell your colleagues about us. Tell your friends. Share the success of planting trees with your letter carrier. Talk to your hairdresser about Click A Tree.

Spread the word so we can keep planting trees.

Have you ever been to Nepal? What did you visit, and what would it look like without the greenery around it? Are there any other countries that you think urgently need our support?

Or simply contact us on Facebook and write your opinion about the success stories from Nepal.

Thank you very much for your efforts and your commitment so far. Let’s continue to achieve great things and celebrate many more success stories like this one.

From Kanchi, Shushila, all our nursery staff, the entire Click A Tree team and Mother Nature herself:

Thank you for being such a great person!”