Click A Tree Die Nachhaltigkeitslösung für dein Unternehmen | Click A Tree Tue, 09 Apr 2024 17:21:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Click A Tree 32 32 How mangrove forests create opportunities in the Philippines Wed, 15 May 2024 11:15:42 +0000 How mangrove forests create opportunities in the Philippines Get to know Wilson Gastanes Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Mangroves are multi-talented. You are one of the best fighters we have against climate change. But they are so much more. Mangrove forests provide protection from storm surges and erosion, their roots create a safe […]

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How mangrove forests create opportunities in the Philippines

Get to know Wilson Gastanes

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Mangroves are multi-talented. You are one of the best fighters we have against climate change. But they are so much more. Mangrove forests provide protection from storm surges and erosion, their roots create a safe space for young underwater life and they create opportunities for humans. Just like Wilson Gastanes from the Philippines.

Mangroves are multi-talented. You are one of the best fighters we have against climate change. But they are so much more.

Mangrove forests provide protection from storm surges and erosion, their roots create a safe space for young underwater life and they create opportunities for humans. Just like Wilson Gastanes from the Philippines.

Would you like to learn more about the superpowers of mangrove trees and how you can help change the lives of many people? Then read on.

Wilson and the mangrove

The Philippines is Click A Tree’s newest tree planting location. The planting takes place on the island of Mindanao, the second largest island in the country. This is also where 61-year-old Wilson lives and plants your trees for the oceans.

Want to find out more about our planting project in the Philippines? Then read this article and find out why we are planting trees for the oceans.

It wasn’t so long ago that Wilson became part of our tree planting team. Nevertheless, he has achieved an incredible amount in this short time! We are still amazed at how many trees he has planted.

In 1 ½ years, Wilson has planted 8,000 trees! If the conditions are right – low tide, no seaweed, fewer stones, etc. – he can plant around 500 mangroves a day. Amazing, isn’t it!

Childhood memories of a mangrove pool

There are many reasons why Wilson plants mangroves. More on the various reasons later, but first let’s get to Wilson’s personal mangrove story and how he brought about change after feeling powerless.

Many years ago, Wilson took his friends to his mangrove pool. Just imagine the fun he and his friends had there: swimming competitions, diving for fish or simply enjoying the cool water on a hot day.

But one day, Wilson and his neighbors witnessed businessmen destroying their mangrove pool. They cut down mangroves to create fish and shrimp farms, which is still a big problem today, as the mangroves can no longer grow there because of the chemicals.

Wilson still misses his mangrove pool today. He promised himself that he would plant a new one for his children so that they would have the same great childhood memories as he did.

Would you like to find out more about mangroves and our project in the Philippines? Follow us on Instagram – you’ll find the latest updates on our projects there!

How planting mangroves supports the future of the Philippines

Being a tropical island in Southeast Asia does not only have advantages. The Philippines are strongly affected by the effects of climate change. Sea levels are rising and natural disasters are on the increase.¹

In addition, there are increasing problems with soil erosion, crop quality, landslides and the management of water catchment areas as a result of deforestation.

Time is running out. That is why we must act TODAY. We need to start opening our eyes to the things that are really happening. Wilson doesn’t have the option of not worrying about climate change and the impact on his home and family.

Life for fishing families in the Philippines is hard enough as it is, but when the weather conditions worsen, they are unable to feed their families.

Planting mangroves helps Wilson and others by providing them with a stable income, while the mangrove forests attract more wildlife and marine life.

The superpowers of Wilson’s mangroves

Mangroves as a food source

Once the mangroves have been planted, it doesn’t take long before the first mussels can be seen on the young mangrove stems. Wilson and his colleagues collect them and sell part of their catch at the market and use the rest to cook mussel soup.

As the mangroves grow older, more marine life makes the roots of the mangroves their home. The tangled area creates a safe space for underwater life, including many species of fish, crabs and shrimps.

Mangroves protect people from flooding and erosion, but are also an important source of food for humans and underwater life.

But did you know that mangroves also collect plastic from the sea?

Mangroves in the fight against plastic pollution

Yes, you read that right!

Plastic pollution is a major global problem. And unfortunately, there’s no magic spell to make plastic waste simply disappear when we’re done with it.

Wilson experiences this problem first-hand when he goes to the beach. In many Asian countries, everything really is wrapped in plastic, from your morning coffee to your bread. And most of the plastic will later end up in the sea, as there are no recycling areas. This is also the case in Wilson’s village.

We want to stop plastic pollution in the sea and therefore collect 1 kg of plastic from the sea for every tree planted.

Would you like to hear something else amazing? Wilson told us that they plan to make flower pots from the plastic they collect, which they can then use for tree planting.

How great is that?

Find out more about the superpowers of mangroves here: Mangrove forests – The all-round heroes [7 lebenswichtige Funktionen + 4 einzigartige Mangroven-Fakten]

What difference has planting mangroves made in the Philippines?

Planting mangroves means protecting families and their homes. They are an important source of food. And planting mangroves means creating opportunities.

Wilson and his tree-planting colleagues plant trees to give their children a better life. By planting mangroves, they can ensure that their children’s future is stable enough without having to move elsewhere to find work.

For Wilson, it is important that his children feel safe and that they know they can lead a life without difficulties.

Wilson’s dream

“I hope that more people understand the important role that mangroves play for the sea, the land, the environment, but also for our livelihoods.

Help us to change people’s lives

Changing lives doesn’t have to be difficult. You don’t have to add it to your to-do list or leave your house. You can help change people’s lives by planting mangroves with just a few keystrokes.

Help us realize Wilson’s dream and plant mangrove trees now.

Stay connected and follow us on Instagram for the latest inspiring stories, all about trees and a special surprise for Mangrove Day.



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Wellborg Bestattungen – An unexpected but meaningful collaboration Tue, 26 Mar 2024 13:40:31 +0000 An unexpected but meaningful collaboration Share with your community on LinkedIn now: This is how memories and sustainability can be combined  In an unexpected collaboration, Click A Tree and Wellborg Funeral Home have created a meaningful connection that not only protects the environment, but also provides comfort and remembrance. The funeral home, which has been […]

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An unexpected but meaningful collaboration

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Außenansicht des modernen Bestattungsinstituts namens 'Wellborg'. Das Gebäude hat eine Fassade aus rotem Backstein mit weißen Fugen und ist mit großen Fenstern versehen. Über dem Eingang ist der Name des Instituts in großen, blockbuchstabenähnlichen Metallbuchstaben angebracht.

This is how memories and sustainability can be combined 

In an unexpected collaboration, Click A Tree and Wellborg Funeral Home have created a meaningful connection that not only protects the environment, but also provides comfort and remembrance.

The funeral home, which has been providing sensitive and empathetic support to mourners for decades, was looking for new ways to offer the bereaved a very special way to honor their loved ones.

At the same time, the institute endeavored to make a positive contribution to environmental protection  and to promote sustainability.

This is where Click A Tree came into play – together they developed an innovative concept: since then, trees have been planted for the deceased to honor their memory and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to the environment. 

The collaboration between Click A Tree and the funeral home has shown how two seemingly different areas – coping with grief and protecting the environment – can be harmoniously combined.

By working together, they have created a sustainable way of preserving memories and making the world a better place at the same time.

Almost 500 trees have already been planted and almost 500 kilograms of plastic removed from the oceans

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Tree planting to promote customer loyalty and feedback Tue, 19 Mar 2024 12:56:16 +0000 Tree planting to promote customer loyalty and feedback Share with your community on LinkedIn now: How we encourage participation in surveys trans-o-flex and Click A Tree are writing a joint success story: the feeling of actively doing something good, namely planting a tree, encourages customers to take part in customer surveys. This gives trans-o-flex valuable […]

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Tree planting to promote customer loyalty and feedback

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How we encourage participation in surveys

trans-o-flex and Click A Tree are writing a joint success story: the feeling of actively doing something good, namely planting a tree, encourages customers to take part in customer surveys.

This gives trans-o-flex valuable insights and at the same time helps the environment and the people in the Click A Tree project countries.

Ein Zustellfahrzeug von dem Logistikdienstleister trans-o-flex. Davor ist ein Paketzusteller mit einer Sackkarre und darauf drei Paketen zu sehen.

Continuous improvement through customer feedback

The future-oriented logistics company
trans-o-flex has recognized that customer feedback is invaluable.

Quarterly customer surveys enabled the company to obtain direct feedback on its services in order to respond quickly to customer concerns and make continuous improvements.

As part of its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection, trans-o-flex initiated an impressive tree-planting campaign. Taking part in the surveys created an opportunity to do something meaningful for the environment. In collaboration with Click A Tree, two trees were planted for every response. Over 2,600 trees have been created in this way.

However, this initiative goes beyond simply planting trees. trans-o-flex decided to plant additional trees for every new customer or business expansion in order to further strengthen its commitment to the environment.

There are now just under 4,000 trees in the trans-o-flex forest.

Holistic commitment to sustainability: Successful implementation for long-term success

Click A Tree supports all sustainability goals of the United Nations. Through their reforestation projects, they not only help to improve the climate, but also create sustainable jobs and promote biodiversity.

The joint efforts of both companies show that sustainability and corporate success can go hand in hand.

The partnership between Trans-o-flex and Click A Tree is a shining example of how companies can not only improve the world around them through their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, but also build a strong bond with their customers.

By contributing to a sustainable future, they set standards for the entire industry and inspire others to follow their example. 

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What is syntropic forestry? Tue, 19 Mar 2024 08:56:09 +0000 What is syntropic agriculture? Share with your community on LinkedIn now: More than just reforestation Where there is hunger, reforestation is not the first priority for those who are hungry. That is why in Ghana we combine the creation of forests with the creation of food sources. What was initially intended to lead to acceptance […]

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What is syntropic agriculture?

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More than just reforestation

Where there is hunger, reforestation is not the first priority for those who are hungry. That is why in Ghana we combine the creation of forests with the creation of food sources. What was initially intended to lead to acceptance among the local population is now a fully functioning resilient ecosystem:

Eine Gruppe Menschen zeigt freudig ihre Bananenernte in die Kamera. Sie lachen. Am Rand sind drei kleine Bilder, die Beispiele für syntropische Fortwirtschaft zeigen.

Reforestation and agriculture in one: Syntropic agroforestry

Soils can lose fertility due to monoculture, erosion or fallow land. The soil structure and nutrients are then suboptimal and often have difficulty binding water.

The improvement of soil structure and the prevention of erosion are major side effects of syntropic afforestation. Forests bind CO2 and also help the global climate through their positive effect on evaporation processes. Reforestation with trees binds and releases rain where it is urgently needed. But if the tree foliage is missing, the soil is defenceless against drying out and erosion.

Similar to permaculture, syntropic reforestation is used to create closed ecosystems that prevent soils from being depleted or drying out. The association of hedges and shrubs and useful plants of various sizes ensure year-round soil protection.

The crops also produce food that is used for food safety or can be sold on the market.

At Click A Tree, the harvest remains at the free disposal of the local people.

Permaculture, agroforestry, syntropic reforestation …

Many names denote a basic idea: to imitate natural ecosystems that function well and are stable.

Plants are selected that complement each other in terms of their nutrient requirements, which increases the fertility of the soil – similar to crop rotation.

Diversity is the game changer here:

  • Different plants (no monoculture!)
  • Various growth rates
  • Different growth heights
  • Different root systems

Plants with different needs recycle nutrients directly and are more resilient to pests and weather extremes. Good soil structures are created that are a permanent home for soil organisms and microorganisms.

Syntropic reforestation creates food security

In the past, forests were cut down to create farmland. Food is required. When crops and forests are associated, forests and areas for growing food are created.

Unlike in arable farming, where the soil is regarded as a substrate for crops, in syntropic afforestation the soil is the basis of an ecosystem that is constantly rejuvenating itself and is not left depleted and fallow at some point, so that the next piece of forest has to be cleared for new farmland.

Syntropic agriculture is a type of reforestation that is sustainable. It is a piece of nature that is so directly useful to humans that it is not in danger. It promotes biodiversity, protects the climate and the environment and is profitable at the same time.

Der Beitrag What is syntropic forestry? erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Effective & cost-efficient implementation of CSR guidelines in the event sector Tue, 12 Mar 2024 08:48:45 +0000 Effective & cost-efficient implementation of CSR guidelines in the event sector Share with your community on LinkedIn now: The Tuttlingen halls’ strategy for success Tree planting automatically included in all conference packages Variable cost allocation of tree planting to the individual conference guests Implement CSR requirements easily and cost-effectively Plant trees now The economic added […]

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Effective & cost-efficient implementation of CSR guidelines in the event sector

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The Tuttlingen halls’ strategy for success

Tuttlinger Hallen von außen, und am Abend. Im Vordergrund ein kleiner See, in dem sich die Stadthalle mit Lichtern spiegelt.

The economic added value: efficient implementation of CSR guidelines

When booking a conference in the Tuttlingen halls, trees are automatically planted by the participants. The costs of planting trees are already included in the packages offered.

Various conference packages allow a variable distribution of costs:

  • Standard conference package (one tree is planted for every five participants)
  • Comfort conference package (one tree is planted for every two participants)
  • Green meetings (one tree is planted for every one participant)
You can also find an interesting blog article on the CSRD contribution obligation here.

Best practice example: Working economically and sustainably in cooperation with Click A Tree

The Tuttlingen halls include the Stadthalle Tuttlingen and the Angerhalle Möhringen, two event venues with a wide variety of rooms suitable for any setting, from conferences to cultural events.

The collaboration has already resulted in 500 trees being planted, which brings economic benefits:

  • CSR requirements are met
  • Positive media attention
  • Enables targeted marketing campaigns
  • Customer loyalty through sustainable commitment
  • Variable cost distribution of tree planting maintains competitiveness
  • Uncomplicated implementation thanks to the automatically received tree planting per conference flat rate

Guests are informed about the collaboration with Click A Tree:

  • Digital flyer about conference packages with reference to Click A Tree as a cooperation partner
  • Social media posts about the collaboration with Click A Tree
  • Sustainability report


from Elisabeth Schweizer, Project Management and Marketing, Location Tuttlinger Hallen: “The collaboration with Click A Tree is uncomplicated and runs smoothly, which is why we really appreciate it. “You still have time and can put your energy into your day-to-day business, which is a win-win situation for all parties.”

Der Beitrag Effective & cost-efficient implementation of CSR guidelines in the event sector erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

What are SDGs? Wed, 06 Mar 2024 15:52:41 +0000 What are SDGs? Share with your community on LinkedIn now: The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals for sustainable development Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals to make the global economy more sustainable. In 2015, Agenda 2023 was signed by all members of the United Nations. They were adopted by the global community in 2015 They […]

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What are SDGs?

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The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals for sustainable development

Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals to make the global economy more sustainable.

In 2015, Agenda 2023 was signed by all members of the United Nations.

Das Bild zeigt die Icons der 17 globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen und eine Welt in Form eines Herzens und den Schriftzug Wirtschaftlicher Erfolg & Wohlbefinden für alle.

Progress and climate protection go hand in hand

The purpose of this agenda was and is to preserve the world as a place worth living in for all people. This ambition can only be achieved holistically, which is why there are 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs. They represent the individual starting points that must be taken into account in order to achieve the goal of a good future for us all.

The “Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition” describes that “Developing countries are bearing the brunt of our collective failure to invest in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” – Developing countries are bearing the brunt of our collective failure to invest in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The SDGs promote economic, environmental, social and sustainable development

Companies and organizations should be made fit for the future. By striving to achieve all 17 defined SDGs, the aim is to ensure global prosperity that works in harmony with nature.

Enabling people around the world to live in dignity while preserving the natural basis of life is a major challenge for us all. We have built our prosperity on a resource-intensive economic model and should now maintain it with a resource-conserving economic model. However, this transition is necessary because we consume the resources of several earths (World Overshoot Day) and yet only have one earth at our disposal.

Transition – future viability for companies

Even a company like Black Rock sees sustainability as an indicator for assessing the value of the company.

The 17 SDGs help companies to move towards sustainability step by step. There are often a lot of adjustments that can be made easily and directly. In most cases, this not only makes it easy to implement sustainability in a company, but also saves costs immediately.

This means that sustainability measures, such as those required for sustainability reporting, are not only a new business challenge, but also an opportunity to increase and stabilize sales and profits.

The 17 global sustainability goals

  • Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms and everywhere
  • Goal 2 Secure food worldwide
  • Goal 3 Health and well-being
  • Goal 4 Quality education worldwide
  • Goal 5 Equality between women and men
  • Goal 6 Sufficient water of the best quality
  • Goal 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • Goal 8 Sustainable management as an opportunity for all
  • Goal 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 10 Less inequality
  • Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 12 Sustainable production and consumption
  • Goal 13 Implement climate protection worldwide
  • Goal 14 Protect life under water
  • Goal 15 Life on land
  • Goal 16 Promote strong and transparent institutions
  • Goal 17 Global partnership

What can I do to make my company more sustainable?

The 17 SDGs are a very good guideline that can be used to analyze your own company.

Companies that already operate sustainably show how sustainability can be implemented in practice.

Take a look at the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinhaus Hürth and the City Aparthotel Munich to. Both companies have made the sustainability transition.

Der Beitrag What are SDGs? erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Successful implementation for ecologically and socially responsible hotel management Tue, 05 Mar 2024 06:50:24 +0000 Der Beitrag Successful implementation for ecologically and socially responsible hotel management erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.


Successful implementation for ecologically and socially responsible hotel management

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Minimal effort. Maximum effect.

Sustainability can be implemented so easily in hotels:

Simple implementation of sustainability goals through tree planting

Together with Click A Tree, the Hotel Halm in Constance has already planted over 3,000 trees in Ghana and the Philippines.

The collaboration also supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Sustainability in the hotel: a wide range of options for implementation with Click A Tree

In recent years, the hotel industry has increasingly focused on sustainable measures to minimize its environmental impact and reduce its ecological footprint.

A pioneering success story that underlines this commitment to environmental friendliness is the decision by Hotel Halm in Constance to plant a tree in Ghana and the Philippines for every room cleaning service saved.

In addition to planting trees, two entrepreneurial schools are thus co-financed and kilos of plastic are fished out of the oceans.

The positive response from guests was reinforced by the integration of Click A Tree.
Guests not only appreciated the hotel’s environmentally friendly initiative, but also felt that they were actively involved in making a positive contribution to the global environment.

The collaboration with Click A Tree enabled Hotel Halm to leave a lasting impact not only locally but also globally.

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Click A Tree plants these trees Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:49:13 +0000 Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Click A Tree plants these trees How closed ecosystems are created By reforesting in tropical regions, we are making an effective contribution to global environmental protection. We also support local people with fair wages for full-time positions. We do without monocultures We choose tree species that are robust […]

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Click A Tree plants these trees

How closed ecosystems are created

By reforesting in tropical regions, we are making an effective contribution to global environmental protection. We also support local people with fair wages for full-time positions.

Click A Tree is currently planting trees in three projects: in Thailand, Ghana and the Philippines

These trees are planted by Click A Tree in Thailand (and many more) – A brief overview of the tree species

In total, over 40 different plant species are used in used for reforestation in Thailand.

The seedlings are grown in our own tree nurseries and are used to create closed ecosystems.

The following trees are planted here to preserve forests and reconnect woodlands so that elephants and other wild animals can retain their natural habitat:

  • Teak trees
  • Cluster fig trees
  • Indian laburnum
  • Lucky chestnuts
  • Yellow trumpet trees

These trees are planted by Click A Tree in Ghana (and many more) – A brief overview of the tree species

In western Africa, on the Atlantic coast, new forest passages are being created with Click A Tree. The special feature of Ghana is that crops are also planted here.

Permanent full-time employees take care of the company’s own tree nurseries, planting and maintenance of the trees. The harvests from the crops are entirely up to you; you can eat them yourself or sell them.

The tree species that are most frequently planted in Ghana include:

  • Moringa
  • Baobab
  • Cashew
  • Neem
  • Mango Local
  • Fever Tree
  • Paper Tree
  • Azanza
  • Tamarind
  • Teak
  • Guava
  • African mahogany
  • Bread Fruit
  • Shea Nut Tree

The association of trees and crops and the imitation of natural mixed forests is also known as “syntropic agriculture”. It ensures that forests are more resilient to pests and environmental extremes. Care is also taken to ensure that closed ecosystems are formed, which then also require a closed water cycle and, as a result, little or no maintenance by humans. There is also a solid storage of CO2 in the soils of syntropically afforested forests.

These trees are planted by Click A Tree in the Philippines (and many more) – A brief overview of the tree species

Mangrove trees grow particularly well in the Philippines, as they cope well with the high salt content on the island shores.

The people in our projects are employed full-time and thus enjoy financial security. The tree seedlings in the Philippines also come from our own tree nurseries. Care is taken to plant only those mangrove species that have a good chance of survival and are beneficial to the local flora and fauna.

The main mangrove species currently planted are as follows:

  • Pagatpat Mangrove
  • Bakauan-Lalaki Mangrove
  • Bakauan-Babae Mangrove

And these species are associated with them in order to counteract monocultures:

Piapi, Api-Api, Tungog, Tabigi, Ragoyroy, Nipa, Taualis and Piagau Mangrove

These species are also used, but in much smaller numbers:

Aroma mangrove, Baok-Baok mangrove, Malibago mangrove and Talisay mangrove.

Mangroves protect the coasts from soil erosion. They soften strong waves and provide a safe habitat for fish and other marine animals, as well as storing a particularly large amount of CO2.

Reforestation as a climate protection measure

Goal 13 of the United Nations is climate protection measures. The 17 global goals for sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda are known as the SDGs for short (Sustainable Development Goals). They are aimed at government institutions and aid organizations, but also at academia, the private sector and civil society.

The 13 goal of this is climate protection measures. It’s about preserving our habitat.

Ecologically sound reforestation in tropical regions has a positive impact on the global climate. The trees planted by Click A Tree are guaranteed to survive. If a seedling fails to grow well within three years, it is replaced by Click A Tree.

The reforested areas are maintained by the full-time staff on site, they are created to stay.

Der Beitrag Click A Tree plants these trees erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Effective implementation of CSR requirements: How the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse supports business travelers with mandatory sustainability reporting Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:14:03 +0000 Effective implementation of CSR requirements Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Uncomplicated cooperation How the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse supports business travelers with mandatory sustainability reporting: With every direct booking via the homepage, a tree is planted by Click A Tree The tree plantations support companies in implementing CSR requirements Sustainable business travel contributes […]

Der Beitrag Effective implementation of CSR requirements: How the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse supports business travelers with mandatory sustainability reporting erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.


Effective implementation of CSR requirements

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Uncomplicated cooperation

How the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse supports business travelers with mandatory sustainability reporting:

Sustainable orientation for hotels: Strategies for attracting business customers

The K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse in Hürth, which is particularly popular with business travelers, has developed a holistic approach to sustainability.

This includes the use of renewable energies, the use of environmentally friendly cleaning agents and the promotion of recycling measures. The Greensign Level 4 certification is proof of the hotel’s commitment to sustainability.

For Managing Director Daniel Schumacher, the climate-friendly focus is not just a personal ambition, but also a strategic decision for the future competitiveness of the hotel.

Find out more about the CSRD reporting obligation in our blog article.

CSRD reporting obligation for companies: Steps to successful compliance

With the new CSRD guidelines (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) coming into force from the 2024 financial year, the focus on sustainability will become increasingly relevant for business travelers.

The K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse meets these requirements through its sustainable initiatives and partnerships, in particular with Click A Tree. This cooperation supports business travelers in fulfilling their CSR (Corporate Sustainability Reporting) requirements.

With 733 trees planted, a total reforested area of 2321.5 m² and 222 kg of marine plastic collected, the hotel and its guests are making a great contribution to reforestation, education and the reduction of plastic waste in Ghana, Thailand and the Philippines.

A tree is planted for every direct booking at the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse

By being able to help business travelers comply with their CSR requirements, the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse also strengthens its own future competitiveness, as sustainability has become a legal obligation of its business clientele.


Daniel Schumacher, Managing Director of K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse: “Working with Click A Tree is really straightforward. No one else lets you plant a tree with just one click.”

Der Beitrag Effective implementation of CSR requirements: How the K-Apart Hotel & Boardinghouse supports business travelers with mandatory sustainability reporting erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:17:48 +0000 Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Score points as an employer with tree planting Sustainable commitment can be so simple. For every application received, a tree is planted with Click A Tree Sustainable commitment strengthens the employer brand The Best Western […]

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Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees

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Score points as an employer with tree planting

Sustainable commitment can be so simple.

Planting trees, winning talent

The sustainable commitment of employers is becoming increasingly important for both employees and applicants.

The hotel group BWH Hotels has incorporated sustainability into its application process: In cooperation with Click A Tree, a tree is planted in Ghana for every application received. In this way, the company is working with its applicants to promote greater sustainability and strengthen its employer brand.

Why trees? The reforestation in Ghana will create full-time jobs and achieve 11 other positive things.


by Sophie von Seydlitz, Senior Manager HR Services, BWH Central Europe “We are delighted that we were able to integrate sustainability into our application process. With Click A Tree, implementation is completely straightforward.”

Der Beitrag Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.
