Uncategorized Archive - Click A Tree https://clickatree.com/en/category/uncategorized/ Die Nachhaltigkeitslösung für dein Unternehmen | Click A Tree Tue, 09 Apr 2024 17:10:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://clickatree.com/app/uploads/2023/06/favicon-32x32-1.png Uncategorized Archive - Click A Tree https://clickatree.com/en/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees https://clickatree.com/en/effective-employer-branding-best-western-increases-attractiveness-as-an-employer-by-planting-trees/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:17:48 +0000 https://cysimone.wpcomstaging.com/effective-employer-branding-best-western-increases-attractiveness-as-an-employer-by-planting-trees/ Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Score points as an employer with tree planting Sustainable commitment can be so simple. For every application received, a tree is planted with Click A Tree Sustainable commitment strengthens the employer brand The Best Western […]

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Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees

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Score points as an employer with tree planting

Sustainable commitment can be so simple.

Planting trees, winning talent

The sustainable commitment of employers is becoming increasingly important for both employees and applicants.

The hotel group BWH Hotels has incorporated sustainability into its application process: In cooperation with Click A Tree, a tree is planted in Ghana for every application received. In this way, the company is working with its applicants to promote greater sustainability and strengthen its employer brand.

Why trees? The reforestation in Ghana will create full-time jobs and achieve 11 other positive things.


by Sophie von Seydlitz, Senior Manager HR Services, BWH Central Europe “We are delighted that we were able to integrate sustainability into our application process. With Click A Tree, implementation is completely straightforward.”

Der Beitrag Effective employer branding: Best Western increases attractiveness as an employer by planting trees erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

24 nature quotes that really speak to us and remind us of the really important things in life https://clickatree.com/en/24-nature-quotes-that-really-speak-to-us-and-remind-us-of-the-really-important-things-in-life/ Wed, 10 May 2023 10:38:39 +0000 https://clickatree.com/24-nature-quotes-that-really-speak-to-us-and-remind-us-of-the-really-important-things-in-life/ 24 nature quotes that really speak to us and remind us of the really important things in life Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Think of your favorite, most beautiful place in the world. Imagine you were there now… Do you see skyscrapers and highways? No, neither do we! For most of us, nature […]

Der Beitrag 24 nature quotes that really speak to us and remind us of the really important things in life erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.


24 nature quotes that really speak to us and remind us of the really important things in life

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Think of your favorite, most beautiful place in the world. Imagine you were there now…

Do you see skyscrapers and highways? No, neither do we! For most of us, nature is our happy place!

Humans have been trying to express this for thousands of years. The result is a huge, wonderful collection of nature quotes: Quotes praising the tranquility of nature, profound environmental quotes, quotes on sustainability and many more. We have listed our favorites here!

Quotes on sustainability

From the smallest tree frog to the giant sequoia – every living creature has a right to exist. Together, they all make our planet the beautiful, liveable place that it needs to be.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”. – Proverb of the indigenous Americans

Each and every one of us is responsible for preserving nature. “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

“The earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry

Of our quotes on sustainability, this one is particularly close to our hearts. Only if we work together can we save our planet!

Are you feeling totally inspired by these great quotes on sustainability now? Then you should try out our surprisingly simple hacks to protect trees and save money!

Quotes about the peace & beauty of nature

How can you describe how beautiful nature can be? If you sometimes find yourself at a loss for words, perhaps one of these quotes about the peace and beauty of nature will strike a chord!

“I went for a walk in the forest and came out taller than the trees. – Henry David Thoreau

A walk in the forest really builds you up and brings relaxation and inner peace when you need it most. A walk in the woods can therefore be a form of therapy.

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that last as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson

“There are so many ways to calm down, but only one that really helps: nature itself.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

It has also inspired generations of artists.

“Nature is both book and scripture, fairy tale, painting and song.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent van Gogh

Famous nature quotes

Some nature quotes are so loved by people that they have become very famous. Which of these famous nature sayings have you heard?

“The clearest way into the universe is through a wild forest.” – John Muir

This famous nature saying reflects Muir’s conviction that nature is the key to understanding the universe.

Albert Einstein certainly agreed with him. The man who gave us some of the greatest insights into the workings of the universe famously said: “Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.”

Nature was also an inspiration for William Shakespeare: “The earth has music for those who listen.”

The music of the earth can be relaxing and invigorating. If we take our cue from nature, we can avoid a lot of stress and tension.

“Nature is in no hurry, and yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu

Nature quotes from famous people

When it comes to nature, we can all identify with each other. These wonderful nature quotes from famous people show that people never stop appreciating nature, no matter how famous they become.

“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look out over the green hills is the most perfect refreshment.” – Jane Austen

Jane Austen knew how to paint a wonderful picture with words. Wouldn’t you like to be there now?

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be crooked, bent in strange ways, and they are still beautiful”. – Alice Walker

We know some beautiful trees like this! The bent roots of the mangrove trees not only look fantastic, they also protect countless people and animals by preventing coastal erosion and storm damage.

“The natural world sustains us all, and protecting it is the most important thing we can do.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

Protecting the natural world really is the most important thing we can do. As Sir David Attenborough once said, “We’re all in the same boat, and this is where we’re going to stay.” We only have one earth.

Environment quotes

The earth we love needs our help. Here are inspirational environmental quotes that you can share with friends and family.

“The earth is a beautiful place and it is worth fighting for.” – Ernest Hemingway

Every tree we plant fights for our earth by purifying our atmosphere and providing shelter and food for countless creatures. Can you think of a better reason to plant a tree today?

“I consider it my first and highest task to live and work for nature with everything in me.” – Hermann Hesse

Nature is our home and we must take care of it. Because as Albert Schweitzer explained, “What happens to the forest also happens to people.”

Nature quotes for Insta

In this section you can find great nature quotes for Insta. We’d love to see your photos with these nature quotes – tag us @clickatree! And if you have any more beautiful nature sayings for Insta, share them with us! As you may have already noticed, we love good quotes! 🙂

“Only where you have been on foot have you really been.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The earth laughs in the flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nature does not need to create masterpieces, it is one.” – Hermann Hesse

“Colors are nature’s smile.” – Leigh Hunt

“Spring is nature’s way of saying: ‘Let’s celebrate!” – Robin Williams

Nature speaks to us all

Which quote is your favorite? Do you know any other nature sayings that we have missed? Or perhaps inspirational quotes on sustainability? Tell us in a comment!

PS: If you like these quotes and want to find out why trees are so important to us, take a look here.

Der Beitrag 24 nature quotes that really speak to us and remind us of the really important things in life erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Plant trees and make dreams come true with your company https://clickatree.com/en/plant-trees-and-make-dreams-come-true-with-your-company/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:44:24 +0000 https://clickatree.com/plant-trees-and-make-dreams-come-true-with-your-company/ Plant trees and make dreams come true with your company Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Did you know that planting trees can lead to great success? And not just because they supply us with oxygen. Trees can also make dreams come true! But don’t just take our word for it… In this article […]

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Plant trees and make dreams come true with your company

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Did you know that planting trees can lead to great success? And not just because they supply us with oxygen. Trees can also make dreams come true!

But don’t just take our word for it… In this article you can read the success stories of Mary, John and Collins: Three young Ghanaians who were able to realize their dreams with the help of trees.

Planting forests, promoting education and meeting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

For us, planting forests means more than just throwing seeds into the ground. In all our projects, we strive to achieve the greatest possible impact by creating self-sufficient forests, ensuring food security through crop trees (fruit, nuts,…), working with full-time employees and empowering people to follow their dreams.

In this way, each of our projects fulfills the UN’s 17 sustainability goals. With the Entrepreneurial School we support in Ghana, we focus on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

This means that our partners are not only restoring a beautiful landscape, but also achieving an ESG strategy that is making a big difference to people’s lives!

Because when our partners plant forests with us in Ghana, they are also helping to support this school, whose aim is to promote the education of young entrepreneurs and give them the skills to realize their dreams.

You can find more information about the project in Ghana here.

How planting forests makes a difference for people

In the village of Zongo Macheri, where our entrepreneurial school is located, access to education is an important lifeline for young people. There they learn to write business plans, manage their finances and develop a good marketing strategy.

Since its launch in 2019, the school in Zongo Macheri has trained 20 young people every year. We would now like to introduce you to three of these graduates so that you can see how planting forests can change people’s lives. Here are Mary, John and Collins!

Mary, the tractor healer

Mary is one of the school’s newest graduates. For a young person, her dream is an unusual one: Mary wants to be a tractor mechanic, an incredibly important role in a country where so many people rely on their home-grown food!

Thanks to the entrepreneurship school and the practical experience she is gaining working on the agricultural equipment in our tree planting project, Mary is now well on her way to realizing her dream of becoming a self-employed tractor mechanic.

John, the photographer

John’s dream is to work as a photographer and take photos of amazing places and famous people. Just a dream? Not at all. Since obtaining his certificate at the Entrepreneurial School at the end of 2019, he has come a lot closer to his goal.

With the help of Stephanie Kubik from SK Hotels & Venues and Click A Tree, John was able to purchase his own professional camera equipment. John now works locally as a photographer and saves his money to continue his education. We are sure that his energy and talent will soon take him a long way!

Collins, the pearl whisperer

Collins was one of the first graduates of the Entrepreneurial School. His dream was not only to run his own company, but also to help others start their own.

And amazingly, despite the pandemic, he managed to realize his dream: Collins has set up his own bead embroidery business and a school for those who want to learn bead embroidery.

The result: beautiful beaded bags, key rings, jewelry and even flip-flops! And at the end of 2022, Collins was even able to present its first own graduates to the world. Congratulations!

Helping to boost success: Promoting more education

What’s even better than a superpower? Two! 🙂

At Click A Tree, we are committed to making a real difference. That is why our tree planting projects are designed from the ground up to have the greatest possible social impact, benefit the environment in the long term and meet all 17 UN sustainability goals.

We have therefore decided to open a second school for entrepreneurs in 2022, this time in Tamale, the capital of the region. Being located in a bustling city means that more young people have access to the school and that there are more opportunities for them to bring their business ideas to life!

There was still a lot of building going on here:

And here the inauguration is already being celebrated with the community:

Make trees part of your ESG strategy: become a Click-A-Tree partner

Our partners can be really proud of their achievements: In Ghana alone, we planted 40,159 trees in 2022 with their support. That’s 40,159 climate change fighters and protectors of local wildlife!

And then there are the social impacts: Every tree planted creates valuable jobs for the local community and helps young entrepreneurs to create a better future for themselves. That’s why we call our project “Trees for Entrepreneurs”!

Would you also like to get involved and plant trees to make dreams come true? Then just send us a short email! We would be happy to tell you about our projects and how planting forests can become a valuable part of your ESG strategy and bring more profit to your company. For more inspiration, you can also take a look at our case studies for companies.

Der Beitrag Plant trees and make dreams come true with your company erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Trees of life: truly meaningful gifts for the special people in your life https://clickatree.com/en/trees-of-life-truly-meaningful-gifts-for-the-special-people-in-your-life/ Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:49:55 +0000 https://clickatree.com/trees-of-life-truly-meaningful-gifts-for-the-special-people-in-your-life/ Trees of life: truly meaningful gifts for the special people in your life Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Happy birth-tree to you, happy birth-tree to you…. In ancient times, the Celtic druids believed that each person had a special tree associated with their month of birth. And with good reason: the lives of […]

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Trees of life: truly meaningful gifts for the special people in your life

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Happy birth-tree to you, happy birth-tree to you….

In ancient times, the Celtic druids believed that each person had a special tree associated with their month of birth. And with good reason: the lives of trees and humans have been closely linked for thousands of years.

The Celts believed that each tree – ash, birch, alder, etc. – corresponded to a month and gave the person born in that month special characteristics. They called these trees “birth trees”.

Here you can find out which tree is your tree of life, which character traits you even share and how to give the right tree as a gift to the special people in your life.

Tropical arborvitae

Don’t you think the Celtic trees of life are a fantastic idea? Us too! And that is why we have adapted them for our tropical trees.

Because the tropical trees we plant also have superpowers: they provide jobs, food and income for entire communities. (And they are also fighting climate change…!)

Tropical trees are indeed the most meaningful gifts you can give. Do you want to give trees that the birthday boy or girl will really like? In this article, we present a fantastic tropical birth tree for each month.

Please note, in order to avoid monocultures, you can only select the project in which the trees are planted and no specific trees. However, we promise you that every tree will make a real difference to the future of our planet.

January birth tree

People born in January are considered to be strong-willed personalities who go their own way in life. For this reason, they can achieve successes that many others consider impossible.

Its native tree is the acacia, which thrives against all odds in some of the most challenging places in the world.

Acacias protect themselves with long thorns and appear lonely at first glance, but they form the center of entire ecosystems in the savannah.

Give remarkable trees like the acacia to a special person – support our project in Ghana!

February birth tree

People born in February have a high appreciation for art and beauty. They are free-spirited beings who can seem a little unconventional in their outlook on life.

The birth tree for February is the laburnum tree, one of the most spectacular and extravagant of the tropical trees!

February birthday children are very caring, and this also applies to the laburnum tree. Its roots, bark, fruits, leaves and seeds have healing properties.

Do you want to plant a beautiful tree for someone you care about? You can do just that with our project in Thailand!

March Birth tree

Creativity and empathy are attributed to those born in March. They prefer peace and quiet to the hustle and bustle.

Its native tree is the mangrove, whose protection creates an area of calm in the midst of the stormiest waters.

And speaking of creativity: have you seen the fantastic patterns formed by the aerial roots of the mangroves? These anchor and protect the fragile seabed of islands such as the Philippines and provide a safe nursery for marine animals.

Our team plants mangroves in the Philippines.

Did you already know? Mangroves are the superheroes of our planet! They remove huge amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and protect entire islands.

With our “Trees for the oceans” project, you can give the gift of extraordinary mangrove trees to someone. For every mangrove tree planted, we also remove 1 kg of plastic from the sea!

Trees for the oceans

April birth tree

Those born in April wear their hearts on their sleeves. They love being the center of attention and make friends easily.

The perfect birth tree for April babies is Moringa, also known as the tree of life because of its nutrient-rich fruits and leaves.

Moringa has many fans all over the world. In recent years, it has received a lot of attention in the press for its numerous health benefits: April’s Birth Tree even has its own line of nutritional supplements!

Bring a smile to the April birthday boy or girl’s face! With“Trees for Entrepreneurs” in Ghana you can plant great trees like the Moringa.

With every tree you plant there, you are also supporting an entrepreneurial school for young Ghanaians and helping them to realize their dreams.

May birth tree

Many talented musicians, actors and artists have their birthday in May: Audrey Hepburn, Bob Dylan and Stevie Wonder, to name but a few.

Fittingly, the birth tree of the May children is the mahogany tree, a tree whose refreshingly cool shade promotes concentration and creativity.

The mahogany tree is very versatile: There is much more to this tree than just beautiful wood! Its leaves and bark have numerous health benefits and can lower fever and blood pressure and even fight cancer1.

Bouquets of flowers at the artists’ entrance are so passé… Plant fantastic trees for the star in your life!
Click here to get started!

June birth tree

People born in June are characterized by a high degree of empathy and insight. They are also often very creative, which makes them masters at problem solving.

The birth tree in June is the neem tree: a tree that is so versatile that it always has the right thing ready for every situation.

Neem trees are nature’s true problem solvers: they repel mosquitoes and other pests, clean teeth, treat dandruff and athlete’s foot and provide the ingredients for a range of wonderful creams and soaps for sensitive skin2.

Neem is not the only fabulous, multi-talented tree we grow in our project in Ghana. To give the MacGyver in your life a crafty tree (or three!), click here:

Plant trees in Ghana

July birth tree

July birthday children are kind-hearted and understanding, but can also be a little eccentric. They are also often very adventurous. The tree associated with her birth month is the grape fig, a nutritious fruit that is not for the faint-hearted!

All parts of the grape fig are good for your health and it is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. But be careful: figs depend on wasps for pollination, and every organic fruit still contains a small piece of wasp.

Is there a better gift for an adventurous soul than a tree? A tree that supports elephants! Click here to plant trees for elephants.

August birth tree

People born in August are warm-hearted, committed to philanthropy and love to be at the heart of their family.

They also tend to be very hard-working. That’s why the tree for August-borns is the baobab, the most generous and family-friendly tree ever!

The baobab tree cares for animals and humans alike: All of its many products are extremely useful, and in Ghana entire villages and ecosystems rely on its soothing mass to provide them with food, water and shelter.

You can plant incredibly useful trees through our project in Ghana: “Trees for Entrepreneurs” is dedicated to helping the local community – the perfect gift for August birthdays!

September birth tree

People born in September are organized and intelligent. Their innovative power can take on ingenious proportions. September’s birth tree is the banana, a tree that is simply brilliant!

Bananas are famous for their delicious fruit, but their huge leaves are also amazing.

Did you know that banana leaves are a fabulous alternative to plastic? In Ghana, they are used to wrap food and as plates and drinking cups. They can also be woven into sturdy baskets, bags and even furniture!

Birthstones are totally overrated. Trees like the banana and the baobab are a very special gift, now and for the future! Through our “Trees for Entrepreneurs” project in Ghana, you can give these trees as a gift to a very special person.

October birth tree

People born in October are considered the children of Fortuna, who have luck on their side. Honest and conscientious, they can achieve a lot in life. The perfect gift for these lucky people is the money tree, whose five-fingered leaf has an important meaning for Feng Shui practitioners!

This robust and hardy tree is said to bring good luck. It also has other benefits: The tree produces pods full of tasty seeds, which have earned it its other name, the malabar chestnut.

Happy birthday children deserve happy trees! Through our “Trees for Elephants” project in Thailand, you can give wonderful trees such as the money tree as a gift.

Trees for elephants

November birth tree

November people are born optimists. They are generous and full of empathy. Whenever you spend time with them, you simply feel good!

There is a very special birth tree for these special people: The shea tree, whose seeds have almost magical properties!

The shea tree gives us shea butter, which is known all over the world for its great moisturizing and beauty-enhancing properties.

But this tree can do so much more: its fruits and leaves are known for their effectiveness against skin diseases, rheumatism and typhus3. You can give one of these fantastic trees as a gift through our project in Ghana!

Birth tree December

Those born in December make good decisions in both their professional and private lives. They are also very loyal friends. Its native tree is teak, which is known for its solidity and longevity.

Teak is a true friend of the forest. Its flowers and seeds nourish a variety of animals and are valued by humans for their medicinal properties.

Each towering tree provides a habitat for hundreds of forest animals, including highly endangered species such as orangutans and forest elephants.

Teak is a great tree – in every respect! That’s why we plant it in Thailand and Ghana. With just a few clicks, you can give such a fabulous tree to a December birthday boy or girl.

Happy Birth-tree!

Which fabulous birth tree belongs to you? Give yourself a present and plant your birth tree here. And while you’re at it, you can also give trees as gifts to your friends and family.

Tropical trees of life really are the most meaningful gifts for anyone you care about. Every tree helps our planet in the fight against climate change, protects wildlife and provides local people with an income and a chance for a better future.

To make it easier for you to decide which projects you would like to support, we have put together a practical overview of each birth tree/month for you here:

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1 https://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/03/27/16910.aspx

2 https://www.britannica.com/plant/neem-tree

3 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878535221002288

Der Beitrag Trees of life: truly meaningful gifts for the special people in your life erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

SwingStep – How this dance studio is dancing the planet greener with Click A Tree https://clickatree.com/en/swingstep-how-this-dance-studio-is-dancing-the-planet-greener-with-click-a-tree/ Thu, 22 Sep 2022 06:08:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/swingstep-how-this-dance-studio-is-dancing-the-planet-greener-with-click-a-tree/ SwingStep – How this dance studio is dancing the planet greener with Click A Tree Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Bring holistic sustainability into everyday life and fulfill 16 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by dancing? Sounds almost unbelievable, but only almost. Because that’s exactly what a dance school does. In […]

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SwingStep – How this dance studio is dancing the planet greener with Click A Tree

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Bring holistic sustainability into everyday life and fulfill 16 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by dancing?

Sounds almost unbelievable, but only almost. Because that’s exactly what a dance school does.

In this case study, we show you how SwingStep spreads joie de vivre and dances the planet greener at the same time.

Read here why a dance school is planting trees and how they have already planted 416 trees in just 4 months.

About SwingStep

With its dance studios in Berlin, Heidelberg and several online courses, SwingStep has made it its mission to spread joy through dance.

Because swing dancing is not only a great way to move the body, but also a way to energize busy people.

Thanks to the social nature of swing dancing, you will always meet new people and encounter a community that is open and multicultural.

But the most striking thing in the SwingStep classes is the laughter of the people. As soon as you take the first step, you will feel the stress of everyday life disappearing and your zest for life increasing. If you do this regularly, this feeling will naturally carry over into your whole life.

Now you might be wondering what dancing has to do with planting trees?

Why SwingStep plants trees

There are many environmentally conscious people in the dance community in particular. And although swinging your dancing leg doesn’t leave a big carbon footprint in itself, SwingStep organizes dance festivals, among other things, for which people travel from very different places.

Festivals are great fun, especially because so many people come from different countries, but they also have a big impact on the environment.

That’s why Ali Taghavi, CEO of SwingStep, set out to balance this effect and do something good for the planet.

As a big fan of the Lion’s Den, he finally came across our show. We were invited to present Click A Tree’s travel branch “B’n’Tree”.

Ali immediately sent us an e-mail to find out how he could combine the reforestation concept with his dance school.

Why they chose Click A Tree

He was won over by the combination of personal contact and the fact that Click A Tree is a company and not a non-profit. “It makes much more sense in the long term to build this as a business and create long-lasting change,” says Ali.

Because our concept combines charitable work with capitalism. In its simplest form, caritalism combines the best features of our capitalist system with the sustainable ethos of charitable work to give our planet a future.

We believe in working efficiently. If we want to motivate others to do good work in the long term, we have to pay them accordingly. We only work with full-time employees who not only plant the trees, but also care for them until they are strong enough to survive on their own.

In its simplest form, caritalism combines the best features of our capitalist system with the sustainable ethos of charitable work to give our planet a future.

Would you also like to take part and plant trees with your dance school? Then get in touch today:

How exactly the collaboration works

As part of its mindfulness budget, SwingStep regularly plants trees. Despite the social distancing rules and the pandemic, they have already planted 416 trees since August 2021. (as of January 2022)

With every subscription booked with SwingStep, they pay 5% of their net income into their mindfulness budget. This budget is then used to plant trees, among other things.

For Ali and his team, it goes without saying that they need to be more mindful of our planet and the world we live in.

“Supporting organizations like Click A Tree is only a small step, but we are proud of every step we can take together in this direction. As a subscriber, you can help plant more trees. Every single one counts!”

Find out here how we are working together to achieve the 16 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Are you in?

Do you work in a dance school and want to be part of it? Just send us an e-mail or give us a call – we’ll be happy to discuss how you can dance the planet greener too.

Interested? Then simply send us an e-mail!

Can’t wait to get your dancing shoes on?

Then sign up for a course at SwingStep‘s studio in Berlin or Heidelberg or, of course, online.

The Chase Festival is also taking place in Heidelberg from 16-19.06.22, where you can shake a leg with lots of other people.

Your turn

Do you have any other suggestions? Do you know anyone who wants to plant trees? Or someone who should plant trees?

We look forward to hearing from you! Either as part of our Facebook discussion, or via Instagram, by comment below or directly by email to info@clickatree.com

Thanks for your input!

Der Beitrag SwingStep – How this dance studio is dancing the planet greener with Click A Tree erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Earth overload day https://clickatree.com/en/earth-overload-day/ Mon, 21 Feb 2022 13:01:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/earth-overload-day/ Earth overload day 4 easy ways to postpone this day Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Earth overload – what day? Overload? Never heard of it? Well, you should! Or maybe you even have it and thought it sounded a little strange? What if I told you it’s a really fascinating concept and an […]

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Earth overload day

4 easy ways to postpone this day

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Earth overload – what day? Overload? Never heard of it? Well, you should! Or maybe you even have it and thought it sounded a little strange?

What if I told you it’s a really fascinating concept and an exciting opportunity for us all to share our best ideas for sustainable living?

But wait, where do trees come into play? (You know us too well!)

Read on to find out more about some wonderfully simple ideas to reduce your carbon footprint and find out how trees are the key to making a difference! And of course we’ll tell you what Earth Overload Day is.

What is the Earth Overload Day? Why is it important?

My goodness, Earth Overload Day, you say? And we can all join in? Yay!

Earth Overload Day is a day we should all be aware of because it’s something we can all get involved in to make a difference.

Earth Overshoot Day is based on the fact that all humans use the earth’s natural resources. We all eat food, consume energy and produce waste. And there is only so much the earth can bear in one year.

As soon as we have used up our share of natural resources, we have reached Earth Overshoot Day. In 2021, Earth Overshoot Day was on July 29.

“This means that we have emitted more carbon in seven months than the oceans and forests can absorb in a year, we have caught more fish, felled more trees, harvested more and used more water than the earth could produce in the same period.”¹

Earth Overshoot Day is about ways to do things better and live in a way that conserves resources.

Earth Overload Day – #movethedate

Every year, the aim is to make our natural resources last longer in order to postpone the date.

The hashtag #movethedate is used for all ideas and initiatives to reduce humanity’s consumption of natural resources. Do you have great ideas? Let us know in the comments.

When is Earth Overshoot Day 2022? Do you think we can #movethedate?

4 things you can do to conserve natural resources and reduce your carbon footprint

1. rethink consumption & emissions

It is important that you first become aware of how you actually live. Think about how you consume and what you would like to change. There are already sustainable substitutes for most of our favorite products and activities.

What is the ecological footprint? This video explains how your CO2 footprint is made up.

Yes, we can point the finger at politicians and big corporations for causing more and more greenhouse gases, but we need to understand that we – the consumers – also have a lot of power.

We can influence companies with our decisions. As they are dependent on their customers, these companies sometimes need a little or a big push from us.

Three ideas to reduce your own emissions

Want to learn more great hacks to reduce your carbon footprint and postpone Earth Overshoot Day 2022? We have 7 simple hacks for you!

2. plant trees to restore what we have already lost

Trees play an important role in reducing harmful carbon dioxide in the air and regulating the water cycle. Tropical forests remove the carbon dioxide emissions of several countries from our atmosphere every year²!

By planting more trees, we can reduce our carbon footprint and delay the time until Earth Overshoot Day. We can restore beauty to our environment and provide a habitat for countless species.

Tip: Why not use some of the money you’ve saved with our carbon footprint reduction hacks and plant a tree for someone?

What amazing animals will your tree support? Carefully planned reforestation, such as with Click A Tree’s trees for elephants, is key to preserving biodiversity to ensure the survival of endangered species.

3. eat food for future

“Food for future” is one of Click A Tree’s projects that allows you to try fabulous food and drinks and support a tree planting project every time you go out! Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it?

Can’t wait to plant a tree while eating out? Then click on the button and find one of our partner restaurants near you.

4. reduce the CO2 footprint in your country – World Congestion Day

If each of us makes changes in our lives to reduce our carbon footprint, we will soon be much closer to balance. One way to do this is to take advantage of “green” initiatives in your country.

Did you know, for example, that in many countries you can receive incentives to install solar panels on your home?

Many countries are already taking steps to reduce their consumption of natural resources. Be it through the implementation of energy-saving projects, more recycling options for people or the provision of “greener” public transportation.

There is still a lot to do! The following map shows the world congestion day for each country, calculated for 2022 based on its resource consumption⁴.

World Congestion Day 2022 – where does your country come into play?

Image credit:
Earth Overshoot Day

Tell others about Earth Overload Day 2022

Another great thing you can do to help #movethedate is to increase awareness of Earth Overload Day 2022 and its importance. The more people get involved, the better for our planet.

At the same time, you can involve your friends and family in fun activities to reduce your carbon footprint. Tip: Forest walks are a great outing for the whole family!

Let us know what activities you are planning to reduce your carbon footprint in 2022! Do you have any favorite “green” hacks?

And remember, if you’re ever looking for ideas for the perfect birthday present… well, you know where to plant a tree.

Not only does your contribution plant trees that combat harmful CO2, tree planting projects also help to create sustainable sources of food and income for communities like this one in Ghana. And that means a further reduction in the consumption of natural resources!

If you like this article, please share it! Sign up for our newsletter for more articles with tree information, news and extremely useful tips and tricks. Every new registration plants a tree!






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Click A Tree Grow Show: Q4 2021 https://clickatree.com/en/click-a-tree-grow-show-q4-2021/ Wed, 16 Feb 2022 13:25:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/click-a-tree-grow-show-q4-2021/ Click A Tree Grow Show: Q4 2021 Tree planting update (+ video) Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Greetings from Tanzania and welcome to the Click a Tree Grow Show Q4 2021 – We have fantastic news! We share the latest updates and tree numbers in our Grow Shows. Watch the video and find […]

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Click A Tree Grow Show: Q4 2021

Tree planting update (+ video)

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Greetings from Tanzania and welcome to the Click a Tree Grow Show Q4 2021 – We have fantastic news!

We share the latest updates and tree numbers in our Grow Shows. Watch the video and find out where Chris planted his first tree and the special place where he grew up.

How many trees were planted

We were able to plant a total of 9,521 trees in the 4th quarter. The fantastic thing is that these trees create long-term jobs.

Because we don’t just plant the trees, we nurture them until they are strong enough to survive on their own. This can take up to 10 years for some tree species.

Where these trees were planted

Of the 9521 trees, we planted 8353 trees in Ghana, 777 trees in the Philippines and 391 trees in Thailand.

Are you ready to plant more trees?

Ingenious! You can plant trees as an entrepreneur or private individual. Psst … you don’t have to wear pants in any scenario.

Planting trees for companies

If you have a business, whether you provide a service or sell a product, you can plant trees. We work with partners from various sectors and make tree planting accessible to everyone.

Interested? Write us an email to b2b@clickatree.com.

Planting trees for private individuals

Would you like to surprise a loved one with a super cool and sustainable gift? Or simply do something good for the planet? Plant a tree with just a few clicks.

Let’s Stay Connected

Let’s make this world more beautiful together. Sign up to our newsletter for updates, fun facts and everything trees.

And guess what, we’ll plant a tree for you just for signing up. Encourage your friends and family members to sign up with you. It’s completely free.

You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Stay great, stay healthy and wash your hands regularly!

Your Click A Tree Team.

Der Beitrag Click A Tree Grow Show: Q4 2021 erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona https://clickatree.com/en/150-more-sales-in-just-3-months-despite-corona/ Wed, 20 Oct 2021 06:03:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/150-more-sales-in-just-3-months-despite-corona/ 150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona A gastro case study Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Becoming more sustainable and making more sales at the same time? Sounds impossible – but thanks to Food for Future, it is now possible for restaurateurs in the simplest possible way. In this short […]

Der Beitrag 150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.


150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona

A gastro case study

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Becoming more sustainable and making more sales at the same time? Sounds impossible – but thanks to Food for Future, it is now possible for restaurateurs in the simplest possible way.

In this short case study, we show how the St Ottilien restaurant increased its sales figures by 150% in just 3 months. And explain how restaurateurs can easily get involved too.

What is behind the increase in sales

The owners of St. Ottilien, Lilia and Michael Abbey, didn’t think twice when they were told about the ‘Food for Future’ project. Doing good and increasing sales at the same time? You’ll want to join in immediately! And their success proves them right.

Food for Future is Click A Tree for the food service industry. Restaurateurs select one of their dishes as Food for Future – and in future, a tree will be planted for every Food for Future sold.

Extremely simple. And extremely effective.

Everyone really benefits here: the restaurateurs from more sales, the local communities where the trees are planted, our planet from more trees, and on top of that, the guests.

Because they can not only enjoy delicious food, but also do something good at the same time. That makes you feel doubly happy.

150% sales growth in 3 months – this is how it works

No wonder that sales at Freiburg’s St. Ottilien restaurant have more than doubled. These are the Food for Future sales figures for the first 3 months since the start of the cooperation in August 2020 at St Ottilien:

At the start of the cooperation, in August 2020, 60 dishes were ordered.

In September there were already 75.

And in October even 152! And all this despite coronavirus.

This corresponds to an increase of 153%. And, incidentally, 287 trees were also planted.

It goes without saying that the press also thinks it’s great. The Badische Zeitung, the Freiburg city magazine Chilli and Baden.fm reported directly on the cooperation between St. Ottilien and Click A Tree.

This success has not waned in 2021: as of September 2021, St. Ottilien has already created a biodiverse mixed forest with 1017 trees! What an achievement! You don’t even know whether to stop salivating or let your mouth water at the delicious dishes.

In the meantime, as of September 2021, St. Ottilien has already created a biodiverse mixed forest with 1017 trees! What an achievement! You don’t even know whether to stop salivating or let your mouth water at the delicious dishes.

Anyone who orders the dish is “fighting climate change, unemployment and dumping wages in Africa“, writes the Freiburg city magazine Chilli, for example.

How you can take part too

Are you a restaurateur and want to be part of it? Then simply send us an e-mail or give us a call – we will be happy to discuss with you how the Food for Future concept can be implemented most easily for you.

As already mentioned, it’s child’s play: you select a dish as Food for Future, and in future a tree will be planted for every Food for Future sold.

You increase your turnover, save the world – but wait, there’s another win. Because at Click A Tree we only work with fairly paid full-time employees. This means that you help us to create jobs and secure the income of people in less privileged regions of our planet.

Interested? Then simply send us an e-mail!

You are not an entrepreneur, but think the project is great?

If you are not a company, but you think the project is great, share this case study with your favorite companies and let them know that green engagement is important to you.

If you’re not sure who to send this to, just share it on social media with your friends and family. The more partners who get in touch, the better.

Related: 2-minute case study: 22% growth despite Corona – How this sushi restaurant did it.

Your turn

Do you have any other suggestions? Do you know anyone who wants to plant trees? Or someone who should plant trees?

We look forward to hearing from you! Either as part of our Facebook discussion about St. Ottilien, or via Instagram, or directly by email. Thanks for your input!

Der Beitrag 150% more sales in just 3 months – despite Corona erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Click A Tree Grow Show: Q2 2021 https://clickatree.com/en/click-a-tree-grow-show-q2-2021/ Wed, 15 Sep 2021 12:39:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/click-a-tree-grow-show-q2-2021/ Click A Tree Grow Show: Q2 2021 Tree planting update (+ video) Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Welcome to the Click a Tree Grow Show Q2 2021, we have fantastic news for you! The Grow Show is now also available in German. The Grow Show is a regular update from us, in which […]

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Click A Tree Grow Show: Q2 2021

Tree planting update (+ video)

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Welcome to the Click a Tree Grow Show Q2 2021, we have fantastic news for you! The Grow Show is now also available in German.

The Grow Show is a regular update from us, in which we tell you about the successes of the projects and you can find out how many trees we have planted and where thanks to your support.

Be curious to find out why we are only now sharing the Grow Show with you.

Watch this video to find out what has happened in the last few months and how many trees we have planted.

As you’ve probably already noticed, we were on the Lion’s Den show in June (season 9, episode 12). The performance was very exciting and we are delighted that four out of five investors were so enthusiastic about our work.

More people have become aware of Click A Tree and B’n’Tree thanks to the broadcast of The Lion’s Den. And thanks to the many new partners, we can plant even more trees, create forests and generate jobs for local communities.

In this article, you can find out what happened on the show and what has changed for Click A Tree.

We won’t keep you in suspense any longer, here you can see exactly what that means in figures.

How many trees have we planted?

We were able to plant a total of 11,258 trees – Treesome. It’s absolutely world class that we were able to achieve so much despite the lockdown.

Where are the trees planted

Our mangrove month took place in July. We not only shared exciting mangrove details on our social networks, but also organized a fun mangrove competition. That’s why we planted a large proportion of the trees in the Philippines in Q2.


Of the 11,258 trees, we planted 8301 mangrove trees in the Philippines and collected 8301 kg of plastic from the sea. Not only do we plant trees there, we also remove 1 kg of plastic from the sea for every tree planted.

Why are we removing plastic from the sea? The plastic endangers the creatures in the water and decomposes into microplastics over time, so that it then enters our cycle more and more, e.g. through the fish we eat. As we pursue a holistic, sustainable approach, we are also committed to this.

In the Philippines, we plant mangrove trees, which also play an important role for marine life. Mangrove trees purify the water and provide a home for fish and crabs.

They are a very valuable barrier between the land and water, as they prevent soil erosion in coastal areas.

Another very important aspect is that they are among the most efficient tree species when it comes to binding carbon dioxide (CO2).

Here you can find more information about our project in the Philippines

Ghana and Thailand

We planted 2104 trees in Ghana and a total of 853 trees in Thailand. Mahogany and teak trees, for example, are also planted there. They not only provide people with a regular income, but also help to prevent deforestation.

Most people clear the forest not out of malice, but out of economic necessity. So if we pay them not only for planting, but also for maintenance, the economic pressure is reduced and the forest is preserved.

Isn’t that good news amongst all the bad news we receive every day about our wonderful planet?

Are you ready to get active and plant trees?

Fantastic! Here you can find out how you can plant trees as an entrepreneur or private individual.

Planting trees for entrepreneurs

If you have a business, whether you offer a service or sell a product, you can plant trees. We work with partners from various sectors and make tree planting accessible to everyone.

Send us an e-mail today.

Planting trees as a private individual

Do you want to surprise a loved one with a super cool and sustainable gift? Or do you simply want to do something good for yourself and the planet? Then plant a tree with just a few clicks.

Choose the project you would like to support.

The latest articles

How mangrove forests create opportunities in the Philippines – meet Wilson Gastanes

The 45 best and most successful quotes [+ the most spectacular wisdom and advice from successful entrepreneurs]

Mangrove forests – The all-round heroes

The 4 – Win Formula: How everyone benefits from a partnership with Click A Tree

Let’s stay in touch

Thank you for your support in planting trees with us and doing something good for the planet and people.

We have been able to gain some super exciting new partners and are looking forward to a green outlook for the next quarter.

Let’s make the world even more beautiful together. Sign up for the newsletter to get the latest information, fun facts and all about trees.

We’ll plant a tree for you too, just because you signed up. Share this with your friends and family so they can sign up too. It is completely free of charge.

Stay up to date and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Stay happy and healthy.

Your Click A Tree Team.

Der Beitrag Click A Tree Grow Show: Q2 2021 erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.

Your words mean the world to us https://clickatree.com/en/your-words-mean-the-world-to-us/ Tue, 07 Sep 2021 12:54:00 +0000 https://clickatree.com/your-words-mean-the-world-to-us/ Your words mean the world to us Click A Tree review Share with your community on LinkedIn now: Click A Tree has planted over 120,000 trees and created forests in the past 2 1/2 years because of amazing people like you supporting us in this important mission. We have already achieved a lot, but you […]

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Your words mean the world to us

Click A Tree review

Share with your community on LinkedIn now:

Click A Tree has planted over 120,000 trees and created forests in the past 2 1/2 years because of amazing people like you supporting us in this important mission. We have already achieved a lot, but you know that we are far from finished.

We want to plant one million trees by 2022! And you can help us!

How to help us in 99 seconds

Help us spread the word about our mission and get more people to join us on this beautiful journey to save the planet and create jobs and habitats for endangered species.

Rate us on Google and let us know what you think about Click A Tree. It only takes a moment, but it means the world to us!

Will you give us 99 seconds of your time to leave us your star rating and two or three sentences on why you like Click A Tree? That would be absolutely world class!

This way: https://g.page/r/CcYtIfIcK4rNEAg/review

If you think we haven’t earned 5 stars yet: What can we do better? Send us your ideas by e-mail so that we can start implementing them as soon as possible.

6 ideas for your evaluation

If you have already used / eaten Click A Tree or B’n’Tree or Food for Future yourself, this can of course be the main component of your review.

If you’re not quite sure what to write in the review – we’re particularly proud of these 6 points.

Our holistic sustainable approach

Trees not only absorb CO2 and combat climate change, they also create habitats for endangered species and full-time jobs for people in less privileged regions of the world, help fight poverty and hunger, create new opportunities and much more.

You can find details in our article on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our simple processes

The Simplicitywith which so much can be achieved: Either planting trees from the comfort of your couch via clickatree.comfree of charge with every trip thanks to bedandtree.comor, of course, when shopping with our partners – for example, over 100 restaurants are now involved in our “Food for Future” program: eating out and doing good – sustainability doesn’t get much tastier than that, does it?

Our transparency

Via our newsletter, our website and our social media channels, we regularly share pictures, reports and updates on the development of the projects – how many new trees have been planted, how many jobs have been created, what is happening away from the trees (e.g. in the entrepreneurial school in Ghana, which is also co-financed by the tree plantations) etc.

The diversity of our projects

The trees in Ghana co-finance a business school to improve local educational opportunities, in Thailand a rescued female elephant lives in the project, and in the Philippines we collect 1 kg of plastic from the ocean for every tree planted. So you don’t have to decide in which area you want to do something good – with Click A Tree you do something good in all areas.

We share our knowledge with you

All the good tips on how you can make your life even more sustainable in the simplest way. Both on our blog and via our newsletter or social media channels.

Our team

Our great team, which is always available by email, social media and telephone if you have any questions.

You are of course free to decide whether you would prefer to rate us in German or English.

Help us with our mission and rate us today

Don’t hesitate any longer – rate us now: https://g.page/r/CcYtIfIcK4rNEAg/review

Thank you very, very much – you are a sensation!

P.S.: While you’re at it: Would you like to copy + paste your review and add it to Trustpilot? That would be really great!

P.P.S.: If you know someone who likes Click A Tree as much as you do, please forward this article to them. With all the stars that come together thanks to you, you’re practically a super star.

Der Beitrag Your words mean the world to us erschien zuerst auf Click A Tree.
